Oh, wait, if you’re reading in this in blogger preview window you can STILL SEE what I am writing! AND IT WILL BE SPOILED BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN CLICK THROUGH!
So, I will continue on!
Thank you so much for all of your love support and interest in Tracking Ruby.
This book will be available on Amazon TODAY
Kobo, iTunes, Nook, and a few other stores tomorrow. (Trying to figure all of that was exciting and got a little delayed! My deepest apologies!)
I am very grateful to all of you!
Hmmm, I think I’ve stalled long enough. (Though please DO stay tuned afterwards for a message from the author)
So without further ado!
Are you actually drum rolling?
Because, if you aren’t I can’t make the announcement. (It’s just not as fun.)
Do you like my new blog makeover? I did it just for this announcement!
Are you ready?
Really truly ready?
Weeeeeeeeeell then….
Kenda E. A.!!!
The Rafflecopter has CHOSEN YOU!!!!
I’ll be in touch with the winner and get her the book as soon as my shipment comes in.
And now a message from the Authoress….
Dear Readers,
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. Some of that thought almost resulted in me pulling Tracking Ruby before it even saw the light of day (even now, I am tempted to remove the book a little…but part of it also begs to stay.)
Right now, Tracking Ruby will stay out available for reading, etc. but there may come a day when I decide to pull it.
The reason I am not pulling it right now is, This story was inspired on a set of stairs, in a black and white photo inspired by a real girl, age 16 a deputy in the Dakotas. I wanted to do more research…however, I just recently discovered I delayed my investigation too long and the woman who had the photograph, and knew the marvelous story has passed away not long ago.
Though this story is not based on the life of the girl in the photograph, it is inspired by it. To pull it now….it just doesn’t feel quite right. Maybe one day you or I may find about the real story of the girl and do her story justice…if you do I hope to read it…if I write it…it may be awhile.
The reason I have considered pulling it.
I am not the author I want to be.
Long ago I dreamed of the author I would become I would write great stories!
I have written stories. I won’t call them bad, but they weren’t great. They are the stories along my journey of learning to become a writer. Stories like Tracking Ruby, are stepping stones in my journey. However, as much as I do love and adore Sophie and Jesse, this is not the kind of book that I want to leave as my legacy. I know Sophie and Jesse’s story need to be told and I hope it touches one heart out there…but there is more.
I want more.
I don’t just want to write good stories.
I want stories that challenge, encourage and uplift you more.
That inspire you in your walk with the Lord, that strengthen’s your faith.
I’ll be honest, I’ve been to unsure and afraid of my faith than to lightly salt my stories with a little thread of faith woven in here or there. I don’t want it to be a thread.
I want it to be the base, the thread woven through every string binding it together.
I hope to talk more about this in the coming days…but it’s a process.
Thank you!
In Christ,
Jessica Greyson
<3 <3 <3