
Book Lover Giveaway

Hello Dear Readers,

A few months ago the wonderful Authoress Elizabeth Ender and I were storming up ideas for a fun giveaway, so we decided we’d give away our books–then some more.

However if it was fun just for the two of us, wouldn’t it be more fun if there were…more of us? After all, don’t we all just love, adore, and drink in books?

So we contacted some of the MOST BRILLIANT AUTHORS that walk the face of this earth, and received a wonderful response. They even let us pester them with a million questions about books, love, love in books and out, some even volunteered to write up some wonderful guest posts, I am really looking forward to getting to know these marvelous authors even more. I know you will find some to be kindred spirits.

I am so thrilled to be offering you a beautiful selection of books that covers a vast variety of genres, interests and that will assuredly peak your interest and warm your book loving heart. A giveaway, that I want to break all of my own rules and enter…

So without further ado I give you!!!!!!
Jessica Greyson

Rewards that aren’t pictured include a 5 dollar Starbucks gift card and a wonderful little booklight!

Don’t forget to enter and spread the word!!!! And I beg you to leave one blog comment with all of your entries–or I shall not be able to find all of my mail in your beautiful comments and entries! Thanks!
This is open to USA residents only due to the high cost of international shipping. Thanks for your understanding
a Rafflecopter giveaway

77 thoughts on “Book Lover Giveaway

  1. Hello! 🙂 I saw this on Goodreads! 😉 And now am following your blog! 🙂
    Here is the link where I blogged about this and i also shared the photo 🙂

    TW Wright

  2. I have a Pinterest account that I share with my mom, but I'm not allowed to share it because it contains my real name, but if you could trust me that I put it on there…? Because I did. 🙂

  3. Wow!! Greatest giveaway ever!! 🙂 Here's the links to all my stuff:

    Blog post:
    http://steppingtowardtheson.blogspot.com/2014/02/jessica-greyson-amazingly-awesome-book.htmlGoogle+ Share: https://plus.google.com/109403244316014360599/posts/5T4pNzun7Q2
    Blogs I follow through the name Michaela:
    This blog
    First Seek Him
    Destiny of One
    Living on Literary Lane

    Yet Another Period Drama Blog
    Knitted By God's Plan
    However Improbable
    Hidden Orchards
    P.S. I think these are all the blogs listed, but I did follow all of them under this name.)

    And I followed Daurenta on Pinterest. 🙂

    So, I did everything except those things requiring a Facebook or Twitter account, since I don't have those. 🙂

    Thanks for doing this amazing giveaway, Jessica! 🙂

    Michaela 🙂

  4. On my blog: http://joyful-maiden.blogspot.co.nz/2014/02/yet-another-giveaway.html

    The banner is in the above blog post.

    Pinned here: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/464996730248327458/

    Google+ share: https://plus.google.com/+EstherFilbrun/posts/3KqfD4z86x7

    I follow Safirewriter, Seek Him First, The Destiny of One, Rachel Rossano's Words, Living on Literary Lane, Yet Another Period Drama Blog, Molly Evangeline, Knitted by God's Plan, However Improbable, Thilly Little Nothings, and Hidden Orchards under: Esther Filbrun

    I think that's all….

    Thanks for the brilliant giveaway, Jessica!

  5. I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was just for US residents. Maybe you could move the notification about it to above the widget? Or are there ebooks of all those books (I know there are for several of them)? I read the whole post carefully, but obviously I missed seeing that last line.

  6. i am following the following blogs:
    Seek Him First
    The Destiny of One
    Rachael Rossano's Words
    Yet Another Period Drama Blog (actually followed this one for a LONG time and love it)
    Molly Evangeline
    Knitted By God's Plan
    However Improbable
    Hidden in the Orchards
    Living on Literary Lane
    Thrilly Little Nothings

  7. –I posted about the giveaway and shared the banner here:
    –Pinned the banner here:
    –Shared the banner on my blog's facebook page:
    –I follow all of the blogs under the name serena, either through bloglovin' or google (if they don't have bloglovin').

    That should be everything!

  8. – (5 entries) I posted about the giveaway on my blog: http://writtenrest.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=366&action=edit&message=6&postpost=v2

    – (3 entries) I shared the banner on my blog at the above link.

    – (3 entries) I shared the banner on pintrest.

    All worth 1 entry each; I follow under the name Erika:

    – safirewriter
    – firstseekhim
    – destinyofone
    – rachelrossano
    – literarylane
    – miss-dashwood
    – mollyevangeline
    – knittedbyGodsplan
    – jacklewisballiot
    – jansina
    – hiddenorchards

    Making a total of 22 entries plus 14 other entries that I completed that didn't ask for a comment… making a grand total of 36 entries.

    Amazing giveaway! Thank you, all eleven of you!

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