
Cover Reveal! Protecting the Poor

We’re counting down the months until Book Three of the “Tales of Faith” series is released! But for now… we get to see the cover of Amanda Tero’s newest book. Ready…?? “Protecting the Poor” will release August 26, 2019, completing the “Tales of Faith” trilogy. While “Befriending the Beast” and “The Secret Slipper” are loose… Continue reading Cover Reveal! Protecting the Poor


Jane Austen Inspired Valentine Giveaway and Sale

Jane Austen. There’s nothing quite like her. She continues to inspire us all these years later. This Valentines Day, myself and a few authors came together to bring a special sale and giveaway. Twelve books are on sale for $2.99 or less. Books like Tracking Ruby and Water Princess and Fire Prince, feature characters who… Continue reading Jane Austen Inspired Valentine Giveaway and Sale


A Royal Masquerade by Allison Tebo and….an interview with Burndee

Hello one and all! I am delighted to say that Allison Tebo has another book coming out! I fell in love with her world and characters in her first book The Reluctant Godfather if you haven’t read it, seriously go and get thy fingers on it at once…but before we get very far…I must tell you… Continue reading A Royal Masquerade by Allison Tebo and….an interview with Burndee